We believe learning outside the classroom is just as important.

In addition to our regular curriculum and daily specials classes, children get to experience  wonderful extra programs throughout the year.


Dentist/Doctor Visit
Every year we invite a local pediatrician (often one of our parents) and pediatric dentist to come into the classrooms and talk about hygiene. The children love to ask questions and are often sent home with a health-conscience goody bag.

Police Officer & Fire Department Visits
Each year we invite a local policeman in to talk to the kids about safety. He or she also teaches the kids how to call 911 in case of emergency.

Additionally our 3s either travel to a local fire department or are visited at SCCNS by a few firefighters, where they discuss fire safety and get a chance to explore the fire truck and spray a fire hose!

Field Trips
When the children are in the 3s and 4s, parents and students are invited on educationally enriching field trips.

In the 3s, the children may go to the Scarsdale Library for a special lesson from the children’s librarian, or visit Ramsey Farm, a local working farm where they get to meet Farmer Ramsey himself.  Last year, the 3s took a trip to Stew Leonard’s for a fun tour & some tasty treats.

In the 4s, the children go to Greenburgh Nature Center for an apple cidering demonstration. All kids bring two apples and help press them into delicious juice. They then get a chance to see the goats, chickens, bunnies and eagles.

Holiday Celebrations

holidayAn important part of our program, holiday celebrations teach the children to learn about and celebrate various cultures and religions. Our Fours prepare a Thanksgiving Feast and invite their parents to share in their repast.  All classes celebrate Hanukkah and Christmas at our beloved December Holiday Tea. Following the children’s delightful performance, we are treated to a visit from jolly old St. Nick, for any who would like to meet him, and refreshments.


Last year, all three classes were able to participate in the raising and releasing of butterflies. The children learned about each stage of the insect’s lifecycle, fed them, and watched them grow into the beautiful creatures we see flying around. Once the insects were fully grown, the classes went outside for a fun release party!


IMG_1110The Fours’ graduation is a bittersweet time in June. With handmade caps, the young scholars march to Pomp and Circumstance and wait patiently to receive their diplomas. Following the ceremony we enjoy a fun celebration with entertainment and treats, before we send our Fours off to their next adventure!